The College Rules & Regulations

Dear Parents,
Warm regards!

We would like to bring forth following rules and regulations of our college to your kind notice.

  1. A minimum of 75% attendance in each semester is must to appear for University exam.
  2. Attendance is compulsory to avail scholarship as per government norms.
  3. If a student is absent continuously for 15 days without prior intimation, his/her enrollment will be cancelled.
  1. CBCS pattern syllabus is followed for all UG Courses.
  2. 25 Internal Marks & 75 External Marks.
  3. The students should take photo copy of the study material provided by the department and it should be brought for both theory and practical classes.
  4. Students should attend 2 Internal Assessment Tests and 1 Model Exam without fail, and then only they will be permitted for the University Examination.
  5. Internal marks will be awarded based on their conduct, performance in the Internal Assessment Test, Model Exam and Attendance Percentage.
  1. The college library functions from 9.30A.M. to 5.00P.M on all working days.
  2. Students will be entitled to keep a book for two weeks from the date of issue. If the book is returned after the due date, a late fee will be collected.
  3. If a book is damaged or lost by the student, he/she has to replace a new copy of the same book.
  4. Borrower's tokens are not transferable.
  1. Students should wear only formal dress.
  2. Students must wear the supplied uniform and Boys should wear shoes on Mondays.
  3. Decent hair style is must. Hair coloring, studs, bands and fancy chains are strictly prohibited.

Legal action will be taken against those who involve in RAGGING and EVE TEASING

a) Campus
  1. Decent behaviour is expected from students in all aspects.
  2. Prior permission from HOD & Principal is must to go out of the campus during working hours.
  3. Students are advised not to enter other class rooms.
  4. Using mobile phone, camera & Laptop is restricted in the college campus / bus.
  5. Students should wear ID card inside the College Campus and Bus.
  6. Students have to bear the whole amount, if they cause any damage to the college property, Bus, Campus, Class and Lab.
  7. Student's vehicles should be parked and locked in the allotted place. However, the college is not responsible for their safety.
  8. Helmet is compulsory for the students who are using two wheelers to come college.
  9. Students should come to college in time. Two permissions will be given to the late comers. If a student comes late for the third time, you should meet the Principal with your parents.
b) Class Room Behavior:
  1. Students are expected to respect the prayer song by standing silent when it is played on.
  2. Students are instructed not to write or sketch anything on the walls, desks and benches.
  3. Students should wear Lab coats during the practical hours and they should not misuse the lab instruments.
c) Bus:
  1. Students should use only their allotted bus and stops. Bus ID card is compulsory.
  2. A high degree of discipline is expected from the students in the bus and at the bus stop.
  3. Principal has every right to cancel the permission to travel in the college bus for their misbehavior in the bus and in the college.
  4. Parents should not involve in any argument with the bus driver / cleaner. In case if they cause inconvenience to the bus driver / cleaner, the bus facility will be cancelled for that particular student.
  5. Free bus facility is provided to the students on conditional basis, ie.. they have to pay the agreed semester fees.
  6. College has every right to cancel free bus facility without any discussion, announcement or prior notice.
  7. Student must follow the time schedule. College bus will not wait at bus stop for any reason
  8. College bus should not be decorated for any function.
  1. The college works from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
  2. No outsiders / strangers are permitted to meet students without prior permission of the Principal. Only parents (Father / Mother) can meet the principal to represent issues related to their son / daughter.
  3. Boys are instructed not to use the places allotted for girls and they should not go to the parking areas during the college hours.
  4. Students should keep their belongings at their own risk. The management is not responsible for any loss.
  5. The college will not entertain any letter or postal transaction for the day scholars.
  6. Personal celebrations are not entertained in the college campus.
  7. Canteen facility is available. Students can utilize the canteen only during the tea and lunch break.
  8. Using liquor / Pan Masala / smoking will lead to dismissal without any enquiry.
  9. Student should not collect money from co- students for any purpose without the knowledge of college authorities.
  1. Students are instructed to remit the prescribed fee of their course for each semester within the stipulated time.
  2. If not, late fee has to be paid.
  3. University exam fee should be remitted in time. Students can pay the exam fee only after clearing the semester fees.
  4. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Student who wants to discontinue the course should pay the entire fees for the whole year.
  5. Receipts must be preserved for future clarification.
  6. Student should clear all their dues to get hall tickets for university exams.
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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust